Pick and choose your clothes this Deepavali

Chennai: Have you all noticed, in recent days, people burying their heads into smartphones, scrolling seriously. News feed? Tweets? WhatsApp chats? Naw. None of them. Actually, most of them are checking out online shopping sites.

With only three more days to go for Deepavali, a large number of people invades shopping streets and another group is busy scrolling, selecting, ordering and receiving products through online shops.



Shopping literally means walking street by street, bargaining and then filling your bags. Here is a big street-shopping lover who shares her experience with us.

Vidhya Sethuraman

Vidhya, a college-goer, says, “Street shopping is an art. Here is where you talk to the sellers and develop a bond with them. Being a regular visitor, some shop-owners recognise me immediately and explain their new arrivals. Bargaining is not being harsh, according to me. It’s just a shopping tradition for me. Not that I do not trust their pricing and I don’t bargain for everything. But when you do it, you will get a whole shopping experience.”

“My personal favourite is shopping on Pantheon Road. I know almost all the vendors. No matter how much you take with you, your bags will be filled when you return. Such is their cost design. If you know stitching, then you have an extra benefit of chucking stitching charges. Because, mostly they sell materials here. I started my shopping two months ago and there are many new arrivals this time,” she adds.


“Not all people go to elite shops. We are the front-liners who attract visitors first with colourful collections,” says Murugan, who owns a small shop on North Usman Road.

He has totally three shops, one that sell women’s clothes, another, jewellery and one mobile accessories shop.

“Though the start was a bit slow, in last three days, we had good business despite the rain. Most of our customers are college girls who want good collections at a cheap rate,” says the shopkeeper.

96 LOVE?

There is mixed welcome among the public to Trisha’s costume featured in the movie, ‘96.’ The yellow kurti, paired with blue jegging and a blue scarf, is available in city shops and has become famous. Meghna from Adyar has bought this dress and says, “I got the dress a week back and I am sure when I wear it people will recognise it easily.”

However, most girls say that they don’t opt for it. “It is not about the dress. It is really nice. But we just want to be unique,’ say some girls.


“I am not a go-get-it person. For me online shopping is very comfortable. I can fix my price limitations. There are offers as well and I can shop from wherever I am. It’s cool,” says Rakshnna, who has not visited any clothes shop for the past two years!

Being one of the biggest shopping hubs in Chennai, thousands of people visit here during festival times.

Kaaleeswaran, a traffic inspector, says, “This time, more number of inspectors are taking charge to avoid chaos here. Strict action is being taken against illegal parking. Two-wheelers are seized on the spot. In the evenings, when there is more traffic and footfalls, we officers form a human chain, to divide pedestrians from motorists.”

Announcements are also played continuously by commercial shops, asking the public to keep a watch over their belongings, take care of their children, not to wear costly jewels, etc.

However, the two constant complaints remain the same this time too: The bad road condition of Ranganathan Street in addition to the rain which makes it even worse and parking problems faced by motorists.
Chrompet is giving tough competition to T Nagar these days. All leading shops are now open in Chrompet also and a section of people from the suburbs and beyond visit these shops. A resident of Tambaram says, “We have almost all big shops here. I am happy that we need not travel further hereafter.”