Editorial: Learn basics

Posted on   3:18 pm

In a startling revelation, Lok Pal chairman Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose has said most of the cases filed in the Lok Pal were disposed of as they were not coming under its purview or the jurisdiction. Over 1,100 cases have been received before the one-year old Lok Pal and the members sat, discussed and found that the most of the cases were not coming under its jurisdiction or act and disposed of, Ghose told reporters.

Nirbhaya case: Dummy execution done in Tihar

Posted on   2:51 pm

A dummy execution of the four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya gangrape case was performed at the Tihar Jail here, prison officials have said. A Delhi court had on 7 January issued death warrants against all the four convicts — Mukesh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31) — and ordered they be hanged on 22 January at 7 am in Tihar jail, over seven years after the brutal crime sparked outrage and anger across

Bhogi fire: Doc warns of breast milk contamination

Posted on   2:35 pm

As we gear up to celebrate Bhogi bonfire by burning as part of age-old tradition, Gleneagles Global Health City department of pulmonary medicine consultant pulmonologist Dr Sreenivasan V warns of breast milk contamination due to the smoke inhalation.

Talent fest for children in Tiruvannamalai

Posted on   2:30 pm

The premises of Sri Arunachala Ramana Atma Vidya Mandir, located in a reticent Vallivagai, Tiruvannamalai, came alive as hundreds of children from the vicinity exhibited their talents at the finale of the talent fest Ramanarpanam, conducted by the ashram and the devotees.