Cultivate spiritual values among children, parents told

Chennai: Parents need to cultivate awareness on dharma to their children from a very young age, said spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.

Delivering a satsang at Mata Amritanandamayi Math here Thursday, she said many parents today just put a smart phone in their child’s hand as soon as it starts crying. This may momentarily help stop the child’s tantrum. But if the parents fail to cultivate spiritual values in the child as well, it may end up spending its entire life in tears. It is spiritual values that give children the strength to face and overcome all sorrows and hardships in life, she said.

The spiritual leader said, “Humankind’s misunderstandings, misplaced ideas, and the indiscriminate actions that arise from poor priorities, have made the earth and environment what they are today. What is surprising, is that in spite of all the hardships we have undergone, there’s still no change in our perspective or behaviour’.

“This universe keeps flowing, following its own rhythm, harmony and tune. Thus, human beings need to chart the path of their lives according to the tune and rhythm of nature. Otherwise, life will automatically become a battle. When we exclusively chase sense pleasure, we won’t be able to attune to our inner self. The human body is just a single aspect of our existence. The ultimate truth of life is the self – our true essence. Its dwelling place is within. To realise this, we need to develop a spiritual perspective, do spiritual practices and perform good actions. Many people think spirituality is just, ‘an outlook’ or ‘a way of life,’ but spirituality is more than that. It is a deep enquiry into our true self,” she said.