New Delhi: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Tuesday wrote to Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu over the alleged misuse of Enforcement Directorate (ED) and other agencies against MPs and their family members, and claimed that he was also approached by some people and was told to assist them in toppling the Maharashtra government.
Pointing out that the Shiv Sena and BJP were coalition partners for more than 25 years before parting ways over ‘ideological differences’, Raut alleged that leaders and legislators of the Sena have been ‘systematically targeted’ by ‘using’ law enforcement agencies such as the ED.
Sanjay Raut claimed he and his family members are now being harassed over the lands that they own in Maharashtra. Talking about one 1-acre land in Alibaug, the Sena MP made it clear that it was purchased 17 years ago. But now the heirs and the family members of the person who sold the land to Raut are being harassed. The decorators, vendors who were part of Sanjay Raut’s daughter’s wedding last year are also being harassed, Raut said.