Corruption has been a plank for BJP to further its political goals. It happened in the run up of 2014 Lok Sabha election and it appears to be happening in the run up to 2024 Lok Sabha election as well. The recent raids on Lalu Yadav’s family and the way former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was sent to jail allegedly for liquor scam, corruption will be a core issue for BJP to raise in the Lok Sabha election 2024. “BJP is afraid of its position in Bihar. It is the only opposition party in the state. Moreover, the caste equation is not favourable for it. Hence, pressurising the opposition parties and eliminating their prominent leaders from the politics is the only ploy left for BJP, ” said Mritunjay Tiwari, national spokesperson of RJD. “The Narendra Modi government has completely failed in the last 9 years. Hence, it is using constitutional agencies to target opposition leaders. We will remember it. They are not born to rule the country for their entire life. Political turn around will happen, ” Tiwari said.In the run up to the 2014 Lok Sabha election, BJP arrived in the corridor of power by bringing up alleged irregularities in sale and purchase of lands. At that time, Robart Vadra was the target. In 2024, the target is shifted to Yadav family and Manish Sisodia.