Kochi, Apr 25: Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a roadshow as he arrived in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram on Tuesday to launch the state’s first Vande Bharat Express. The Prime Minister waved his hands to the huge crowd at the roadside to welcome him to the city. Modi who landed in Kerala for a two-day visit on Monday, also held a mega roadshow in Kochi. Sporting traditional Kerala attire, Modi walked through the streets of Kochi. People queued up on both sides of the road and cheered for the Prime Minister. Modi flagged off the state’s first Vande Bharat train between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod from Thiruvananthapuram Central Station on Tuesday at 11:10 am. He then went to Kochi and launched the country’s first water metro on Tuesday. According to Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the train will cover 11 districts, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Pathanamthitta, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasargod.