Medical students from different colleges under the aegis of House Surgeon Students Union and PG Doctors Association staged a mass protest in front of the Secretariat in Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram district on Wednesday after a woman doctor was stabbed to death in Kottarakkara Taluk Hospital. After the shocking incident on Wednesday, the doctors in the state launched an emergency 24 hour-strike which will continue on Thursday also. The strike will be observed by various medical associations including the students unions in the state. Kerala Government Medical Teachers Organisation, State General Secretary Dr Roshnara Beegum told the ANI that the strike will continue till the government takes a firm decision on the security of doctors. “We have been already telling the administrators of the attacks we have been facing. Today a sad incident took place and we are standing here with deep grief, we urge the government to take necessary steps to urge the security of all the students faculty, health care workers in this state. So that we can work without any fear. We will be continuing our strike till a firm decision from the government is taken on our security”, Dr Roshnara Beegum said.