Tamil Nadu Minister for Youth Welfare Udhayanidhi Stalin on Sunday held the Central government responsible for the suicide of a National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) aspirant after failing to clear the exam twice and called it a “murder.” Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK)’s student wing and the medical wing began a state-wide hunger strike demanding the abolition of the National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET) in Chennai on Sunday. Udhayanidhi Stalin also participated in the one-day hunger strike in Chennai organized by the DMK student wing and the medical wing. The state-wide demonstration is against state Governor RN Ravi over his refusal to ban the NEET examination in the state and the Central government. Meanwhile, Udhayanidhi Stalin and other DMK leaders ended the hunger strike in Chennai on Sunday evening. Speaking to reporters, Udhayanidhi Stalin said “It’s not suicide it is a murder, Central Government is responsible for this and AIADMK is joining hands with them. I did not participate in this protest as a minister or MLA. I have participated here as the brother of the student who died while preparing for NEET…” He lashed out at Governor RN Ravi over his refusal to ban the NEET examination in the state, “Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi has got so much arrogance. Who are u Governor? What authority u have. He is not RN Ravi, he is RSS Ravi”. Demanding the resignation of the governor, he said, “You should stand in the election. If you won the election, I will obey you whatever you say even will support the NEET too”.