RSS expresses grief on Dr Badrinath’s demise

RSS has expressed their heartfelt condolences on the demise of Dr Badrinath, founder,  Sankara Nethralaya.
RSS Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale, said, ‘I on behalf of RSS, express my heartfelt condolences on the passing away of Dr Badrinath ji, an eminent and reputed eye-surgeon. He was the founder of the well-known Sankara Nethrayalaya, Chennai.’ 
‘He established this institution 45 years ago and the hospital has been rendering great service to thousands of people, even those who come from far eastern parts of India and even neighbourhood. He had been associated with RSS for more than 4 decades.He has been the inspiration for many to start such hospitals in other parts of the country.’
‘I pray the Almighty to give strength to the bereaved family to bear the grief’.