Fishing ban nears end: TN fishermen prepare to resume work

As the annual 61-day fishing ban along Tamil Nadu’s eastern coastal areas draws to a close, fishermen are gearing up for the resumption of their activities. The ban, which spans from April 15 to June 14, is implemented to protect the fish breeding season, ensuring sustainable fishing practices.

This year’s ban, which began on April 15, has led to the suspension of fishing activities for powerboats and trawlers, leaving 551 barges docked at various shores including Thoothukudi, Tharuvaikulam, Vembar, and Threspuram. Throughout the ban period, fishermen have focused on essential maintenance tasks such as repairing boats, maintaining nets, and procuring new fishing gear. These preparations have incurred significant expenses, reflecting the dedication of the fishing community to ensure their vessels are seaworthy for the upcoming season.

With only few days remaining until the ban’s conclusion, fishermen are conducting sea trials to test their equipment and readiness for the resumption of fishing operations. The sea trials are a critical step to ensure that boats are in optimal condition and that any potential issues are addressed before the fishing activities officially restart.

The suspension of fishing has also impacted local economies, particularly around the Tuticorin port, which has seen a halt in its usual bustling activities. The port is slated to resume operations next week, signaling a return to normalcy for the region’s fishing industry.

The current ban has contributed to an upward trend in fish prices due to the reduced supply. However, it is anticipated that once fishing activities resume, the increased supply of fish will help stabilize and potentially reduce prices, benefiting consumers.

As the fishing community prepares for the end of the ban, there is a palpable sense of anticipation and readiness. The efforts undertaken during the ban period, from boat repairs to net maintenance, highlight the resilience a