Spurious Liquor Kills 5 in Kallakurichi; Ten Hospitalised

In a tragic incident on Wednesday, five people lost their lives in Kallakurichi after consuming spurious liquor. The incident has left the local community in shock and mourning.

More than ten individuals who also consumed the illicit alcohol were rushed to Kallakurichi Government Medical College Hospital. These patients are currently receiving treatment, and their condition is being closely monitored by medical professionals.

The authorities have launched an investigation into the source of the spurious liquor and the circumstances surrounding the incident. Local law enforcement and health officials are working together to prevent further incidents and ensure the safety of the community.

This incident highlights the severe risks and potential consequences of consuming unregulated and illicit substances. The government has been urged to take stringent actions against those responsible for the distribution of spurious liquor and to implement measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.