The search and rescue operations in Kerala’s Wayanad have entered its sixth day on Sunday, as several people are still feared trapped in the debris after a series of landslides that occurred in Chooralmala and Mundakkai of Wayanad.
Providing details about the rescue operation, Wayanad District Collector Meghashree said, that the rescue operation is in full swing, and over 1300 forces have been deployed for today’s operation.
“Rescue operation is going on in full swing. Today, 1,300+ forces are deployed…volunteers are also there…yesterday volunteers who went for the rescue operation got stranded there, today we are taking precautions so that it doesn’t happen,” Wayanad District Collector said.
Meanwhile, Kerala Chief Minister’s Office has informed that night patrolling of the police has been instituted in Chooralmala and Mundakkai areas where landslides occurred. Action will be taken against those trespassing in the houses or areas of the victims at night, the statement from CM’s office said. No one should enter the houses or areas of these places at night without the permission of the police for the purpose of rescue operations, it added.