Directed by Thiagarajan, the much-anticipated film Andhagan – The Pianist is set to hit theaters worldwide on August 9. The film features an ensemble cast including Prashanth, Simran, Priya Anand, Karthik, Samuthirakani, Urvashi, Yogi Babu, K.S. Ravikumar, Vanitha Vijayakumar, the late Manobala, Leela Samson, Poovaiyar, Semmalar Annam, Mohan Vaithya, Besant Ravi, and Lakshmi Pradeep.
Cinematography for Andhagan is handled by Ravi Yadav, with music composed by Santhosh Narayanan. The film’s art direction is overseen by Senthil Raghavan, and editing is by Satish Surya. The crime thriller is produced by Mrs. Shanthi Thiagarajan under the Star Movies banner, with Preethi Thiagarajan presenting.
During a special meet organised ahead ot it’s release, actress Simran spoke highly of the movie’s story and screenplay, expressing her gratitude to the director, Thiagarajan, for the opportunity. She mentioned, “This is the seventh film I’m acting in alongside Prashanth. I am eagerly waiting for another blockbuster hit. Everyone should go and watch Andhagan in theaters on August 9.”
Actor Prashanth also shared his excitement, stating, “I am very happy and excited about Andhagan, which is an amazing creation. The film features a lot of star actors, and it has been an unforgettable experience working with them.”
Prashanth particularly highlighted his admiration for Samuthirakani, saying, “Samuthirakani sir is a meticulous and professional actor. When I met him before the film, he asked for three weeks to finish another role before fully committing to Andhagan. His dedication and transformation into the character were impressive.”
He added, “In every interview, I mention that I learn something new with each project, and in this film, I learned a lot about professionalism and passion for acting from Samuthirakani sir. I also want to thank him for his support and affection during the promotion of the film.”