With Vinayagar Chaturthi just around the corner, Chennai is buzzing with excitement as preparations for the grand festival are in full swing. The city’s streets are adorned with colorful decorations, and markets are bustling with people purchasing clay idols of Lord Ganesha, flowers, and festive items.
Artisans across the city have been working tirelessly to create beautifully crafted Ganesha idols of various sizes and designs, catering to the diverse preferences of devotees. Eco-friendly Ganesha idols made from clay and natural colors have gained popularity, with many opting for these environmentally conscious options.
The markets, especially in areas like Mylapore, T. Nagar, and George Town, are packed with vendors selling puja essentials, including flowers, fruits, and traditional sweets like modaks, which are a staple offering to Lord Ganesha.
Local temples are also gearing up for the festivities, with special prayers and rituals planned to mark the occasion. In many neighborhoods, pandals are being set up where community celebrations will take place, complete with devotional songs, cultural performances, and the traditional immersion processions.
Chennai’s civic authorities have made arrangements to ensure the smooth conduct of the festivities, including traffic management and designated areas for the immersion of Ganesha idols.