Tamil Nadu State Transport Minister S.S. Sivasankar has demanded that Governor R.N. Ravi issue an apology for allegedly insulting the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly (TNLA) and the national anthem during the maiden session of the Assembly. The minister accused the Governor of walking out to avoid highlighting the state government’s achievements and criticized his actions as disrespectful and undemocratic.
Speaking to reporters at the state secretariat, Minister Sivasankar remarked, “The Governor deliberately avoided reading the government’s address in the House to suppress the accomplishments of the DMK government. He is attempting to change longstanding traditions of the TNLA, but this will not be allowed.”
Sivasankar criticized Governor Ravi for behaving as though he were an elected representative rather than a constitutional authority. He stated, “He has created a situation that compels people to raise the slogan, ‘Governor Ravi, get out.’ This is unacceptable in a democracy.”
Rejecting Governor Ravi’s proposal to render the national anthem at the beginning of the Assembly session, Sivasankar noted, “In Tamil Nadu, it has always been a tradition to begin the session with the Tamil Thaai Vaalthu and conclude with the national anthem. This practice was followed even during the AIADMK regime, which was closely aligned with the BJP.”
Sivasankar accused the Governor of casting baseless aspersions on the patriotism of Tamil Nadu’s people and its ruling party. “DMK and the people of Tamil Nadu are second to none in patriotism. Tamil Nadu has produced countless freedom fighters who have served as Congress Chief Ministers and Governors. None of them proposed such changes,” he added.
The minister further alleged that the Governor insulted the national anthem by exiting the Assembly before it was rendered. “This is not the first time he has done this. He behaved similarly last year. By neglecting the national anthem, he has dishonored it. The Governor must express regret and should be ashamed of continuing in office under these circumstances,” Sivasankar charged.
When asked about the Governor’s future, Sivasankar suggested that Governor Ravi should step down. “It seems the BJP-led Union Government might want him to resign on his own, but he is still clinging to the position. If he truly values integrity, he should consider this an insult and quit,” he said.
The minister also hinted at a lack of consensus within the Union Government regarding the Governor’s continuation, pointing out that Ravi has not been granted an extension.