Karthik Subbaraj’s upcoming gangster film Mahaan is set to have its direct OTT release in February 10. The film, which stars the father-son duo of Vikram and Dhruv as the leads, will be premiering on Amazon Prime Video. Notably, director Karthik Subbaraj’s last outing Jagame Thandhiram, also a gangster film, had a direct OTT release as well
Mahaan has Vikram in the titular role and his son Dhruv playing an equally important character named Dada. It is the first time the two will be seen sharing screen space. Simran, Vani Bhojan, Bobby Simha, and Sananth are also part of the film’s supporting cast.
Mahaan is produced by Lalith Kumar through his banner, Seven Screen Studio. The film has music by Santhosh Narayanan and cinematography by Shreyaas Krishna.