Tips to prevent viral infections this summer

Chennai: The monsoon season in India is a welcome change from the sweltering summer but brings along its own health challenges. The combination of the change in temperature, humidity combined with dampness in our environment increases risk of infections.

Infections that occur in India commonly are due to contamination of food and water like
typhoid, acute gastroenteritis, hepatitis A, E and those transmitted by vectors including malaria, leptospirosis, dengue.

Dr Suresh Sankar, senior vice president Nephroplus says that all of the above are more prone to happen in the context of the monsoon period due to the combination of favourable environment and susceptible hosts.

“Extremes of age and pre-existing illness increase risk of Kidney disease, particularly a temporary nature,” he added

Suresh also listed out the following tips to prevent viral infections. Food and water contamination – During the humid conditions in the monsoon due to dampness, flooding of streets and clogging of drainage systems, there is high likelihood of water contamination raising the risk of food and water- borne illness. Fruits – Fruits would have potential benefits including anti-inflammatory actions but be prudent to avoid eating pre-cut fruits during the monsoon season. Ensure fruits are washed well in water and the skin is pealed. Choose among what is available in your region among plums, litchis, pomegranate. Physical activities – The monsoon season makes outdoor activities impossible or unsafe. Hence walking, running , jogging or cycling are not options for most individuals. Alternatives are home based exercises or yoga which ensures flexibility, strength and helps our general health status. Access medical care – Monsoon times can be challenging to access medical care but if one is to suffer fever, chills or diarrhoea, seek medical advice early.