Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai is set to take out a padayatra (foot march), from July 28 with interim breaks, across rural and municipal areas of the state with an eye on the Lok Sabha polls next year.The padayatra titled ‘En Mann En Makkal’ (My Land My People) is expected to be flagged off by Union Home Minister Amit Shah at Rameshwaram.Meanwhile, the BJP functionaries Monday approached the Tamil Nadu Director General of Police (DGP) to provide additional security for the smooth conduct of the rally. After submitting the petition, state legal wing president Paul Kanagaraj told reporters that the march has been planned in three phases and it will take place with interim breaks.“En Mann En Makkal padayatra will conclude in Chennai on January 11. We have submitted the details of the padayatra to the DGP. We have requested him to provide additional security forces to prevent any untoward incidents. This padayatra is to raise awareness among the people of Tamil Nadu and completely eradicate corruption,” he said.