Actor Dhruva Sarja’s upcoming film Martin, directed by A.P. Arjun, is generating significant buzz ahead of its October 11 release. The film, written by actor Arjun and featuring Vaibhavi Shandilya as the female lead, is notable for its high-octane action sequences and grand production values. These elements have heightened expectations among fans.
What sets Martin apart is its release strategy. The film will not only be available in multiple Indian languages but will also be released in 13 languages worldwide, including Korean, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian. This global release marks a significant milestone for Indian cinema.
At the trailer launch event held in Mumbai last evening, Dhruva Sarja shared his excitement about the film. He stated, “The Indian film Martin has been made to Hollywood standards and is set for a worldwide release. I am proud to be a part of global cinema with this project. My role in the film is entirely action-oriented.”
He also mentioned his upcoming project, KD, where he will be seen in a romantic role. To prepare for this character, Dhruva revealed that he has lost around 20 kilos to achieve a more toned physique. He added, “To maintain my fitness, I had to refuse all meals, even those prepared by my mother. Whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I had to say ‘no.'”
Dhruva also expressed his admiration for his uncle, actor Arjun, calling him his “godfather” in both cinema and life. He said, “I am eager to act in a film directed by my uncle, and I hope that happens soon.”
With its massive scale and global appeal, Martin is poised to make a significant impact when it hits theaters this October.