BJP Tamil Nadu President K. Annamalai has called on the State government to urgently address the long-standing demands of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) pensioners, specifically the release of dearness allowance arrears and retirement benefits.
In a statement released on Friday, Annamalai highlighted the plight of approximately 93,000 TNSTC pensioners who have not received their dearness allowance arrears for over eight years. He also pointed out that those who retired from the TNSTC within the last 18 months have not been provided with their rightful retirement benefits.
“The pensioners have staged protests on several occasions to draw the attention of the State government, but their pleas have gone unanswered. It has become routine for the Tamil Nadu government to pacify TNSTC employees with empty promises whenever they go on strike, but these promises remain unfulfilled,” Annamalai remarked.
He further criticized the State government for prioritizing funds for events like a car race over the pressing needs of pensioners. “Instead of releasing pension benefits and dearness allowance arrears for TNSTC pensioners, the State government is allocating funds to conduct a car race,” Annamalai alleged.
Annamalai urged the State government to take immediate action to fulfill the long-pending demands of the TNSTC pensioners, ensuring that they receive the financial support they have been waiting for.