On Monday, the makers of the highly anticipated film Thangalaan, starring Vikram and directed by Pa Ranjith, released the second single titled “Aruvadai.” The song features Vikram lending his vocals alongside Sindhuri Vishal, Mathichiyam Bala, and Suganthi. Written by Uma Devi, “Aruvadai” is a Nattupuram song sung by farmers to alleviate the fatigue of their labor.
Previously, the film’s soundtrack introduced two singles, “Minikki Minikki” and “War Song,” adding to the buzz surrounding the film.
Thangalaan is a historical adventure film that explores the contribution of oppressed communities in the quest for gold in southern India. In addition to Vikram, the cast includes Malavika Mohanan and Parvathy Thiruvothu, with Pasupathy, Daniel Caltagirone, and Hari Krishnan also featured.
The technical team includes A Kishor Kumar as the cinematographer and Selva RK as the editor, with Tamil Prabha contributing as a co-writer. Produced by Neelam Productions in association with Studio Green, Thangalaan is set for release on August 15. It will face competition from Keerthy Suresh’s Raghu Thatha and Arulnithi’s Demonte Colony 2.