Indian actress Priyanka Chopra was left in tears in front of her husband Nick Jonas after being body shamed for not being ‘sample size’. Taking part in a panel at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival, the actress revealed that a hurtful body shaming was the cause of her breakdown, reports On Friday, March 10, Priyanka sat down with Amazon Studios head Jennifer Salke at the kick off of the festival, and recalled what had happened to her one day before. “Someone told me yesterday that I wasn’t sample-sized I was hurt and I discussed it with my family, and I cried to my husband, and my team,” she confessed. “…, and I felt really bad about the fact that I’m not sample size,” the 40-year-old actress continued sharing her thoughts on being body-shamed. “And that’s a problem, apparently, and most of us are not, and sample size is size 2.” Unfortunately, the incident was not a first for Priyanka. “I’ve been told many things that are difficult to hear,” she candidly stated. “In my job, the pressure is so intense you can’t really show the chinks in your armour.” Aside from being body shamed, ‘The White Tiger’ actress pointed out other kinds of demeaning comments thrown at her.