After engineering a split in the Nationalist Congress Party and extending support to the NDA government in Maharashtra, the new Deputy Chief Minister of the Eknath Shinde government, Ajit Pawar on Sunday said that the country is progressing under PM Modi’s leadership adding that they should support development. “Today, we have decided to support the Maharashtra government and took oath as ministers. There will be a discussion on the portfolios later. Considering all aspects at the national level, we thought that we should support development,” Ajit Pawar said in a press briefing. Ajit Pawar justified his party’s decision to join the NDA government in Maharashtra and emphasized that the country has progressed under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He explained that the decision was taken as they intend to contest the upcoming polls with the Bharatiya Janata Party. “The country is progressing under the leadership of PM Modi. He is also popular in other countries. Everyone supports him and appreciates his leadership. We will fight the upcoming Lok Sabha and Assembly elections with them (BJP) and that is why we have taken this decision,” he said.