Chennai, Jan 27: In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, the AIADMK has announced a comprehensive initiative wherein the manifesto committee will embark on a statewide tour to engage with representatives from various sections of society. AIADMK’s General Secretary, Edappadi K Palaniswami, revealed that the 10-member committee will traverse the state between February 5 and February 10, covering all 38 districts across nine zones.
The zones identified for the tour include Chennai, Vellore, Villupuram, Salem, Thanjavur, Trichy, Coimbatore, Madurai, and Tirunelveli. The manifesto committee, comprising senior leaders Natham R Viswanathan, C Ponnaiyan, Pollachi V Jayaraman, S Semmalai, C Ve Shanmugam, D Jayakumar, O S Manian, B Valarmathi, R B Udhayakumar, and Vaigaichelvan, will conduct meetings and consultations with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds.
Party sources indicate that the initiative is designed to gather insights and feedback directly from the people, ensuring that the election manifesto reflects the aspirations and concerns of Tamil Nadu’s diverse population. The engagement is expected to cover a broad spectrum of issues, including economic policies, social welfare, agriculture, education, and healthcare.