Chennai: The city police have registered a case against Porkodi, the wife of the recently murdered BSP state chief Armstrong, along with acclaimed filmmaker Pa Ranjith and over 1500 others.
This action comes in response to a protest organized near Valluvar Kottam on Saturday, which allegedly took place without the necessary permissions.
The protest was staged to demand justice for the murder of Armstrong, who was brutally killed on July 5. The case has so far led to the arrest of more than 22 individuals. However, one of the prime accused, Thiruvengadam, was shot dead in an encounter with the police, adding further controversy to the already tense situation.
Despite extensive questioning of several political figures in connection with the murder, the police have yet to identify the mastermind behind the crime. The lack of significant progress in the investigation has fueled public frustration and led to the organization of the protest, spearheaded by Porkodi, who is also the BSP state coordinator.
The demonstration saw the participation of senior BSP officials and was notably joined by director Pa Ranjith, known for his socially conscious films that often address issues of caste and inequality. The protestors demanded swift action and the arrest of those responsible for Armstrong’s murder.
However, the demonstration was soon met with police intervention. The authorities arrested over 1500 participants, including Porkodi and Pa Ranjith. The police have filed cases against them under two sections, including charges related to unlawful assembly.
The arrests have sparked widespread outrage among the BSP members and supporters of the arrested individuals, raising concerns about the freedom to protest and the handling of the investigation into Armstrong’s murder.