Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has announced that all works by former Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi will be nationalised, continuing a legacy of preserving Tamil literary and cultural heritage. This move builds upon the government’s previous efforts to honor Tamil scholars and their contributions.
Nationalisation of Karunanidhi’s Works:
The nationalisation will cover a vast array of Karunanidhi’s contributions, including:
75 movies for which he wrote stories and dialogues.
15 books, encompassing his extensive literary works.
20 dramas and 210 poems, showcasing his versatility as a writer.
His letters to party cadres, published in 54 parts.
His autobiography, spanning six volumes.
Assembly speeches, compiled into 12 parts.
This decision follows the recent nationalisation of works by 179 Tamil scholars, with a royalty payout of Rs 14.42 crore to their legal heirs. During Karunanidhi’s tenure, the Tamil Nadu government had also nationalised works by 108 Tamil scholars and distributed Rs 7.76 crore as royalty to their heirs.
While the nationalisation of Karunanidhi’s extensive body of work has been confirmed, the announcement did not specify any royalty arrangements for his legal heirs. This omission has left some questions unanswered regarding financial compensation for Karunanidhi’s descendants.
The move to nationalise Karunanidhi’s works is part of a broader effort by the Tamil Nadu government to preserve and promote Tamil literature and culture. By making these works publicly accessible, the government aims to honor Karunanidhi’s significant contributions to Tamil literature and politics.