Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has embarked on a 17-day official visit to the United States with the primary objective of attracting investments to the state. The Chief Minister departed for the U.S, beginning a significant journey aimed at bolstering Tamil Nadu’s economic prospects.
During his visit, Chief Minister Stalin will engage in discussions with various investors across the U.S., aiming to secure investments for Tamil Nadu. He is also scheduled to meet with members of the Tamil diaspora to discuss their contributions and concerns. Additionally, the Chief Minister will hold meetings with key corporate leaders, urging them to invest in Tamil Nadu and establish industries within the state.
Before his departure, Stalin left his residence in Alwarpet, Chennai, at approximately 8:45 PM and arrived at Chennai International Airport. Senior ministers and party members were present to see him off.
In a brief statement at the airport, Stalin said, “I am traveling to the United States on an official visit to attract investments to Tamil Nadu. I have consistently undertaken such trips to secure investments for the state.”
He also highlighted his previous international visits to Dubai, Singapore, Spain, and Japan, which have successfully brought investments to Tamil Nadu. Stalin noted that these efforts have resulted in ongoing projects worth ₹9,99,039 crores through 17 Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs). Additionally, he mentioned that in the past three years, projects worth ₹3,450 crores have progressed through 872 MoUs, moving Tamil Nadu closer to its goal of becoming a trillion-dollar economy by 2030.
When asked about a potential cabinet reshuffle, Stalin cryptically replied, “Change is the only constant. Wait and see.”
Regarding actor Rajinikanth and Minister Duraimurugan, Stalin remarked, “They are friends. Don’t mistake humor for hostility.”