In a grand event at SRM College, the first look of the upcoming film Bomb was unveiled in front of thousands of students. The film, produced by Sudha Sukumar and Sukumar Balakrishnan under the banner of GEMBRIO PICTURES, features an ensemble cast including Arjun Das, Shivathmika Rajashekar, Nassar, Kali Venkat, Abhirami, Singampuli, Bala Saravanan, TSK, Kichcha Ravi, and Poovaiyar. Directed by Vishal Venkat, known for his previous work Sila Nerangalil Sila Manithargal, the film is a commercial entertainer that delves into the oddities of life.
During the event, producer Sudha Sukumar expressed her excitement about the film, stating that “Baam” is GEMBRIO PICTURES’ first production and has come together as an excellent creation thanks to the hard work of a talented team. She also expressed her delight in launching the first look among students and praised music composer D. Imman for his outstanding contribution.
Actor TSK shared his happiness about being part of the film, thanking director Vishal Venkat for the opportunity. He also expressed his admiration for D. Imman’s music and Arjun Das’s performance in the film.
Poovaiyar, who also stars in the film, thanked Vishal Venkat for the opportunity and shared his joy in working alongside Arjun Das again after their collaboration in “Master.”
Actress Shivathmika Rajashekar spoke highly of the film, expressing her excitement about working with Arjun Das and Nassar. She also praised D. Imman for his incredible music in the film.
Director Vishal Venkat reflected on his journey from being a student at the same college to now presenting his film’s first look there. He described “Baam” as a fun and entertaining film and thanked the technical team, D. Imman, and the cast for their support.
Music composer D. Imman expressed his delight in being part of GEMBRIO PICTURES’ first production and praised Vishal Venkat’s storytelling. He also wished the best for the cast and crew, highlighting that “Baam” would be a magical entertainer.
Finally, actor Arjun Das described “Baam” as a special film that he immediately connected with upon hearing the story. He expressed his happiness about working with D. Imman and praised the entire team, wishing them success for their future projects.
Bomb promises to be an exciting and unique cinematic experience, with the first look generating significant anticipation among the audience.