You may only need to make small changes to your daily routine

Posted on   9:45 am

Since motivation naturally rises and falls, its no wonder these big lifestyle changes can be so hard to sustain. This is where the small change approach could be useful. This weight management strategy recommends that people should decrease the calories they eat andor increase the calories they burn by just 100-200 each day.

Netflix to soon roll out paid password sharing

Posted on   9:42 am

Streaming giant Netflix has announced that it will roll out its paid password sharing “more broadly” “later in” the first quarter (Q1) of this year. “While our terms of use limit use of Netflix to a household, we recognise this is a change for members who share their account more broadly,” the company said in its earnings reports on Thursday.

Adani is hooked on ChatGPT, says race for AI to get complex

Posted on   9:39 am

Asia’s richest man Gautam Adani, besides looking at opportunities to expand his vast empire, is hooked on ChatGPT – the programme that trawls vast amounts of information to generate natural-sounding text on virtually anything – from crafting jokes to writing ad copy, debugging computer code, to even generating poems and essays.