Addressing the over 60-year ‘patta’ demand of people affected by land acquisition for the NLC India, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin issued pattas to beneficiaries here on Monday marking distribution of the state revenue department’s key document to as many as 3,543 beneficiaries. The pattas were distributed at the Secretariat here by Chief Minsiter Stalin to seven beneficiaries, an official release here said. As many as 2,676 beneficiaries, belonging to Vijayamanagaram village and 867 hailing from Pudukooraipettai –in total, 3,543 beneficiaries in Virudhachalam taluk of Cuddalore district in northern Tamil Nadu– were being distributed the pattas, the government said. During the 1950’s, after authorities acquired land for establishing the NLC, formerly known as the Neyveli Lignite Corporation, people affected by it were settled by the state government in Vijayamanagaram and Pudukooraipettai villages in Virudhachalam taluk in 1959.