Savukku Shankar was arrested by the Coimbatore Cyber Crime Police for allegedly making derogatory remarks against female police officers and other police officials. Additional cases were filed against him on similar charges, leading to his detention under the Goondas Act by an order from the Chennai Police Commissioner.
Shankar’s mother, Kamala, challenged this detention through a habeas corpus petition. The case was heard today (August 9) by a division bench of Justices S.M. Subramaniam and V. Sivagnanam.
During the hearing, the police argued that Shankar was detained under the Goondas Act due to his continuous defamatory statements. However, Shankar’s counsel contended that his remarks did not disturb public order in any way.
After hearing arguments from all sides, the judges quashed the detention order against Savukku Shankar. They further directed that he be released immediately if there were no other pending cases against him.