Chennai: Tamil Nadu’s Minister of Food and Civil Supplies, Sakkarapani, met with Union Minister Prahlad Joshi and submitted a memorandum requesting that the additional rice allocated to Tamil Nadu be provided at a reduced price.
In the memorandum, Sakkarapani highlighted that apart from the rice provided under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), Tamil Nadu requires an additional 75,000 tons of rice monthly for various schemes, including the Public Distribution System, Mid-Day Meal Scheme, and Breakfast Scheme. In a letter sent by the central government in July, it was announced that this additional rice would be supplied by the Food Corporation of India at a rate of ₹28 per kilogram. Sakkarapani has requested that the rice be provided at ₹20 per kilogram, as was previously the case.
The memorandum also requested that the 2,756 tons of ragi needed by the state be provided at a subsidized rate. Additionally, Sakkarapani noted that wheat consumption is increasing in Tamil Nadu, with an average monthly requirement of 23,000 tons. He urged the central government to arrange for the supply of this wheat to the state.
The meeting took place at Krishi Bhavan in Delhi and was attended by DMK MP Tiruchi Siva, Tamil Nadu Food Secretary Radhakrishnan, Union Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra, Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation Managing Director Annadurai, and Food Supply Commissioner Mohan, among other officials.
Following the meeting, Radhakrishnan posted on social media, describing the discussions as highly productive, with constructive consultations on the pending issues and plans for Tamil Nadu.