Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has announced that female police officers returning from maternity leave will be transferred to districts where their parents or husbands reside for three years. This decision aims to help them manage childcare responsibilities more effectively.
The announcement was made during the ceremony at Chennai’s Rajarathinam Stadium, where police officers were honored with medals in conjunction with Independence Day and Republic Day. The event was attended by various dignitaries, including the President, the Union Home Minister, and the Chief Minister, who presented medals to 68 officers, including South Zone IG Prem Anand Sinha. An additional 407 officers were honored by officials such as Additional DGP Mahesh Kumar Agrawal and Chennai Commissioner Arun.
During the event, Chief Minister Stalin addressed the challenges faced by female officers. He acknowledged that returning to work after maternity leave often presents difficulties in managing child-rearing responsibilities. In response, the government has decided to offer transfers to districts where the officers’ family members reside for three years, providing them with better support.
The Chief Minister also highlighted the crucial role female police officers play in addressing crimes against women and children. To enhance their skills, especially in handling cases related to female trafficking and cybercrimes, specialized training will be provided to improve their investigative capabilities.
Stalin’s initiative aims to support female police officers in balancing their professional and personal responsibilities while strengthening their role in tackling gender-specific crimes.