Akshay Kumar on Friday announced the fifth instalment of his comedy franchise “Housefull”. Tarun Mansukhani, known for movies “Dostana” and “Drive”, will direct “Housefull 5”, which will be released in theatres on Diwali 2024. Along with Kumar, actor Riteish Deshmukh will also return for the fifth chapter, to be produced by producer Sajid Nadiadwala’s banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. “Get ready for FIVE times the madness! Bringing to y’all #SajidNadiadwala’s #Housefull5 Directed by @tarun_mansukhani See you in cinemas on Diwali 2024!” Kumar posted on his social media handles. The franchise started with 2010’s “Housefull”, which was followed by three sequels — “Housefull 2” (2012), “Housefull 3” (2016) and “Housefull 4” (2019).