A C Shanmugam, the founder and president of the New Justice Party (NJP), declared on Sunday that his party would participate in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu as part of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) alliance. Shanmugam revealed that NJP would contest under the Lotus symbol of the BJP, affirming the longstanding alliance between the two parties. Addressing reporters after a meeting with BJP Tamil Nadu Parliamentary election in-charge Arvind Menon, Shanmugam underscored the significance of the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls in determining the next Prime Minister of India. He emphasized NJP’s commitment to remaining within the BJP-led NDA alliance, citing their alliance since 1998. Shanmugam expressed confidence in the leadership of Narendra Modi, the Prime Ministerial candidate for the third consecutive term, reinforcing NJP’s decision to continue their alliance with the BJP-led NDA in Tamil Nadu. Shanmugam also disclosed that the BJP would soon announce the number of seats allocated to NJP as part of the alliance. Additionally, he revealed his participation in upcoming public meetings featuring Prime Minister Modi in Palladam on February 27 and in Tirunelveli on February 28, highlighting NJP’s active involvement in the election campaign alongside the BJP. In parallel developments, BJP sources disclosed that Arvind Menon, the BJP election in-charge, held discussions with Tamil Manila Congress (TMC) leader GK Vasan on Sunday. It was confirmed that an alliance had been forged with TMC, with Vasan set to formally announce the party’s inclusion in the BJP-led NDA alliance. @@@@