1,515 special buses for weekend and Milad-un-Nabi holiday

Posted on   11:18 am

To cater to the increased travel demand during the upcoming weekend and the Milad-un-Nabi holiday, the Tamil Nadu State Transport Department will operate 1,515 special buses in addition to its regular services. These services will be available from Friday to Saturday, aiming to ease the rush as people head to various destinations across the state and beyond.

1,290 special buses deployed for weekend travel rush

Posted on   9:41 am

In anticipation of a surge in travel demand during the upcoming weekend, the Tamil Nadu Government Transport Corporations, under the leadership of the Rapid Transport Corporation’s Managing Director, R. Mohan, have announced plans to deploy 1,290 special buses from Chennai and other locations across the state.

1,570 terrorists captured outside of Gaza by IDF

Posted on   12:52 pm

The IDF reported that its forces together with Border Police units, working under the intelligence guidance of the Shin Bet (Israel’s anti-terror General Security Service), arrested 15 wanted terrorists throughout Judea and Samaria overnight, including six terrorists from Hamas.

1,000 families receive relief aid in Afghan

Posted on   11:19 am

About 1,000 families received relief assistance in two provinces as the Taliban-led caretaker government and aid agencies continued to help destitute families, the government said in a statement on Monday.