Actor Santhanam’s upcoming film which is being directed by well-known Kannada director Prasanthraj has been titled ‘Kick’, its makers announced on Wednesday.Taking to Twitter, actor Santhanam, tweeting the First Look poster of the film, said: “Happy Vinayakar Chathurthi everyone. Here is the first look of my next #SANTA15, titled ‘Kick’.”The film, the shooting of which began in Bangalore a few months back, continued in full swing in Chennai. The final schedule, which happened in Bangkok for 15 days, was wrapped up recently.Produced by Naveen Raj under his banner Fortune Films, the film will mark the directorial debut of Prasanthraj in Tamil.Actress Tanya Hope, who acted in the hit film ‘Dharala Prabhu’, has played the female lead in this film, which also features Thambi Ramaiah, Brahmanandam, Senthil, Kovai Sarala, Mansoor Ali Khan, Manobala, Y.G. Mahendran and Mottai Rajendran among others.