Chennai, recently battered by devastating floods, is now facing a new challenge – a crude oil spill that has left authorities and residents grappling with its severe consequences. The spill, allegedly originating from the Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited’s (CPCL) refinery in Manali, has created a complex environmental and humanitarian crisis.
The Unfolding Crisis
The oil spill, spanning 20 square kilometers, resulted from the Cyclone Michaung-induced floods on December 4. Certain localities bear the brunt of this oil-related catastrophe. Eranavur, Adi Dravidar Colony, Thiruveethiamman Kovil, and fishing hamlets in Ennore and surrounding areas are particularly affected.
Tracing the Source
Initially blamed on CPCL by the local fishing community, the company denied pipeline leaks. The State Oil Spill Crisis Management Group (SOS-CMG) of the Tamil Nadu government later traced the spill to CPCL premises, specifically identifying guard ponds and stormwater drain ponds as sources.
Ecological Impact
The chemical hazard resulting from the oil spill has caused the death of aquatic life in the Kosasthalaiyar river and the Ennore Creek. Fishing boats and equipment are damaged, severely impacting the livelihoods of the fishing community.
Health Hazards
Residents in affected areas report persistent, unbearable odour, leading to physical symptoms such as eye irritation, dizziness, and skin itching. The foul smell has triggered respiratory issues among vulnerable groups, including women, children, and the elderly.
Response Efforts
The Tamil Nadu government, in collaboration with the Indian Coast Guard, is spearheading response efforts. Helicopter sorties deploy Oil Spill Dispersants (OSD) over the affected area. Gully sucker machines are deployed to remove floating oil in the Ennore Creek area.
Judicial Intervention
Expressing dissatisfaction with the pace of cleanup efforts, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) issued a three-day ultimatum to CPCL and the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB). They are instructed to complete the cleaning of the spill by December 17 and submit a report.
Looking Ahead
As Chennai races against time to mitigate the impact of this oil spill, the crisis underscores the urgent need for stringent preventive measures and a robust response framework to safeguard both the environment and the well-being of the affected communities. The coming days will reveal the effectiveness of ongoing efforts and the long-term consequences of this unfortunate incident.