Bomb threat to MIT campus in Chrompet

Chromepet was gripped with tension on Wednesday following a bomb threat email received by the Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), raising concerns among students and faculty members. In a distressing turn of events, the MIT college administration office received an alarming email in the afternoon. The message, sent by an unidentified sender, explicitly stated the presence of a bomb within the college campus, threatening imminent detonation. Upon receiving the threatening email, the administration promptly notified the authorities, and the Chitlapakkam police were alerted without delay. Responding swiftly to the potential threat, a team of police personnel, along with the bomb squad, rushed to the MIT campus to conduct a thorough search operation. Amidst heightened security measures, the entire campus was meticulously inspected in an effort to locate any suspicious items or devices. However, upon examination, it was determined that the package mentioned in the email contained objects resembling spare parts of a water pump. While the initial scare prompted immediate action and precautionary measures, authorities are continuing their investigation to ensure the safety and security of the MIT campus and its occupants. The content of the package is currently undergoing further examination and verification by experts to confirm its nature and rule out any potential threats.