BJP Tamil Nadu state president K. Annamalai has raised serious concerns about the law and order situation in the state, following the murder of Coimbatore-based advocate S. Udayakumar on Friday. In a pointed statement shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, Annamalai highlighted what he perceives as a growing sense of insecurity among the people of Tamil Nadu.
“Starting from the murder of the state president of a national party (K. Armstrong) to the murder of a Congress district president (K.P.K. Jayakumar), advocates, and the public, it is frightening to see that none are safe in Tamil Nadu,” Annamalai wrote. He emphasized that the recent spate of violent crimes has created an atmosphere of fear, where no one feels secure.
Annamalai directly blamed the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) party for the deteriorating situation. He accused the state government, led by Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, of failing to uphold the law and order in Tamil Nadu. “After DMK assumed office, murders have become common, and the chief minister, who assured that law and order would be under his direct control, does not seem to have taken any action,” he stated.
The BJP leader also criticized the Tamil Nadu police, alleging that their focus has been misdirected. “The Tamil Nadu police are used to arresting only those who criticize DMK on social media,” Annamalai claimed, suggesting that the law enforcement agency is being misused to stifle dissent rather than address serious criminal activities.
In his message, Annamalai issued a stern warning to the chief minister, urging him to take immediate and decisive action to restore law and order in the state. He cautioned that if the situation is not addressed, Stalin risks being remembered as an “ineffective CM in TN’s political history.”
The murder of S. Udayakumar has sparked outrage and added to growing concerns about safety in the state. This latest incident, coupled with the murders of prominent political figures in recent months, has intensified scrutiny on the DMK government’s handling of law and order issues.