The film “Pechchi,” directed by debutant Ramachandran. P and produced by Gokul Pinai under Veylon Entertainment and Shake Mujib under Verus Productions, received critical acclaim and a warm reception from audiences since its release on August 2. To celebrate the film’s success, the team met with journalists recently.
Sanjay Jaysankar of Verus Productions expressed his gratitude to the media, stating, “The success of ‘Pechchi’ is largely due to the support of journalists. Despite the challenges faced during production, it was the journalists’ coverage that brought audiences to the theaters. My father often said that journalists play a crucial role in bringing a film to the public, and today’s success of ‘Pechchi’ proves that.”
Director Ramachandran. P shared his joy, saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you again to celebrate the success of ‘Pechchi.’ As a debut director, this event is very significant for me. The positive feedback from journalists was crucial for the film’s success. After seeing the film, the encouraging words from you gave me confidence.”
He also expressed appreciation for his producer Gokul Pinai, technical team, and actors, acknowledging their contributions. “Despite difficult filming conditions, the crew, including actors like Balasaravanan and Gayathri, supported me greatly. Special thanks to Pechchi’s actress, who performed admirably even in challenging locations.”
Ramachandran also mentioned his earlier work, noting the encouragement he received from filmmaker Balumahendra and his family and friends who supported his transition from banking to cinema.