The Greater Chennai Police have announced an extensive security deployment for Independence Day celebrations this Thursday, with 9,000 police personnel assigned to ensure safety and order. Chief Minister MK Stalin will be hoisting the national flag and delivering a speech at the Secretariat, which will be secured by a five-layer security protocol.
An official statement from the city police indicated that, as a precautionary measure, security has been heightened across various critical locations within the Greater Chennai Police jurisdiction. This includes intensified checks at Chennai Airport, railway stations, bus terminals, commercial establishments, coastal areas, religious sites, and other places where large gatherings are expected.
Additional security measures involve thorough inspections of all lodges, hotels, and mansions throughout the city. Managers and staff at these facilities have been instructed to report any suspicious activity to the police promptly.
In conjunction with city police efforts, the Government Railway Police have deployed approximately 1,500 officers across Tamil Nadu’s railway stations to bolster security. Key stations, including Chennai Central and Egmore, Coimbatore Junction, and Salem, will feature baggage scanners, sniffer dogs, and door frame metal detectors to ensure comprehensive screening and safety for passengers.